Saturday 19 May 2018

From one Roxy 5 student to his team...

This email was sent from a Roxy5 student to the rest of his team ... it says it all!
Our students are just amazing!

Kia Ora Roxy-5ers
I'd like to thank you all for working so hard on the film Different. It was well-filmed, well-scripted, well-conceived, and produced with minimal injuries (which we all know about-my bad). Although we didn't get in to the final, the best bit was sitting down (and standing up, obviously) and making this film happen with all of you people.  It was a brilliant experience that I'll doubt I will ever forget (and that's saying something- I can barely remember where I left my wallet this morning). Every single moment I spent making that film with all of you was wicked. It felt so great to be part of a team with such a great idea. 
Cheers to all of you- the teachers and the students- for such a wonderful time we had over the past four months.

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